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Abstract Submission Update

The Call for Abstracts is no longer available.

See revised schedule for invited speakers and topics.

Thank you for your interest in submitting an abstract to the Symposium for the Brand Image of Nursing.  


Unfortunately, we necessarily removed the abstract submission feature when the symposium was moved to online and the length of the event reduced to one day only. This decision was made in response to repeated requests from busy nurses who wanted to participate in this inaugural conference, but could not commit to the time, expense, and travel. 


We responded by not only reducing the time commitment to one day, but also by reducing the symposium fee to only $25/person while making it free to students.  


We apologize for any inconvenience this change may have caused and hope you will register and attend the symposium virtually on October 18th. Our list of scheduled speakers and topics is very impressive!   


Please explore our website for the revised schedule and complete event details.  


Please go to contact us if you have any questions at all. 


Thank you,


Judi Godsey, PhD, MSN, RN


©2023 by Institute for the Brand Image of Nursing

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